Generous Home Care Management, LLC is a leading home health care and pro-life hospice provider located in San Antonio TX. Our Philosophy of shared beliefs is the foundation of Generous Home Care Management, LLC. We believe in morals and acceptance of God. We believe healthcare must be transparent, safe, and responsible. We believe in our country, the United States of America, and its people. We believe that protecting life is the most important issue on earth. We believe the obsession with money ends lives, directly and indirectly. We believe in safeguarding the integrity of healthcare professionals. We believe patients have rights and we implement those rights. We believe in connecting hands that need employment with hands that need support. We believe in the pro-life movement and agree with the "pro-life healthcare" philosophy of the Hospice Patients Alliance and the Pro-life Healthcare Alliance. We believe our calling is to protect human life by working together. We believe this calling is given by our Heavenly Father.